Workshop – Facial Rigging

Technical workshop about facial rigging with Alan.

Center of gravity (COG) is needed in a rig.

Class Overview

  • Completing body rig.
  • Joint rigging vs blend shape rigging.
  • Onsite vs offsite rigging.
  • Binding the head / jaw.
  • Using ‘off site’ rigging techniques: Blink.
  • Using ‘off site’ rigging techniques: Brow.
  • Using ‘on site’ rigging techniques: Blend shaping.
  • Using ‘on site’ rigging techniques: Blend shaping & corrective shapes.

Two Types of Facial Rigging

Joint Based Rig- placing actual joints onto the model and weighting them. Difficulties: having ‘ribbons’ of controls. Controls/joints that move with others.

Blend Shapes Rig- make facial expressions first and use blend shapes to animate them.

Blend shapes method.

  • Select faces. Then go into tool settings for select and soft select. Then move the face accordingly to key frame blend shapes.
  • Use smooth and erase target tools.

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