This compositing workshop was an exercise to show a method of compiling sound effects to an animation using Premiere pro. Fortunately, I have already used Premiere much in the past and can do this without this instruction, nevertheless, I rarely use this method, so it is still useful.

Workshop method:
- I aligned appropriate sound effects to their position.
- Cut down the length of the audio clips.
- Used the effects controls to change the volume of all clips that needed it.
- Set key frames to the mechanical sound effect to change the volume accordingly.

My usual method to control the volume is to use fade in and out effects, and cutting the audio clips according to their necessary presence in the video. I am not sure which method I prefer, both have their merits. However, considering that I cannot see a graph editor curved path that represents the changes, it is quite hard to see the key framed changes that I have made. Nonetheless, this key frame method mean that the editing section of imported clips is visually cleaner.