Week 9 – Camera and Final Touches

Unit 2.1 Advanced and Experimental 3D Computer Animation Techniques – Project 2, week 9.

This week I developed the camera animations further by adding additional angles. Considering that only the environment moves and not the character, the camera work was straightforward.

Camera Animation

A Few Camera Examples/ Tests

Further Adjustments to Soft Focus

Key to image labels:

DOF – Depth of Field.

FRS – Focus region scale.

DOF vs Arnold – under the camera attribute editor tabs, one says ‘depth of field’ (1). Another says ‘Arnold’ with depth of field (2) as an option under that tab. I experimented with both to see the difference. Therefore, the label ‘DOF means (1) and ADOF means (2) (see fig 1).

Figure 1. These options marked here.

The conclusion of these tests include the fact that DOF rather than ADOF is more usable for me. Focal distance does not make the image perfect. The scale of focus cannot be controlled with focus distance. The DOF FRS and F stop do not have too much of an effect. The images that have FRS at 0.5 look better than the ones with FRS at default settings.

Project Name – ‘Hope and Vision’

After some deep thought, I will name this Animation Project ‘Hope and Vision‘, this is a metaphorical consideration for the concept, how the audience interprets the given information in order to make their own conclusions. And what the presence means to the character. The feeling of interacting with something/ someone, then loosing then in the end. They present certain generic hopes that a dog may have; food, family, home etc. And yet the initial uneasy interaction, the harsh toned first dialogue line, signifies that the presence could be a false hope.

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